Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Hanging Bell

Christmas Hanging Bell

What you will need:

18"x12" paper (what ever color you like)
48" of string
4 medium jingle bells (only medium or large - small is too hard to do)
markers, crayons, *
* glitter, paint, stickers

What to do:

A) fold paper

B) folded in half (makes two bells when you cut them out)

C) Trace a bell on paper

D) Cut the bell out

At this point you can give the bell to the kids to decorate the way they like. For the smaller kids I recommend crayons, markers if you are brave, and paint if you are braver.

Take the string and fold equally in half and lay on the bell with the top of the string (that makes the loop) sticking out about an inch or so. Then lay string down on the inside of bell (spread apart so that they don’t cross and have plenty of room to hang and jingle).

F) Put glue all over inside and put the top piece on. Let dry.

After it dries, we are going to string on the jingle bells. I used only 4 but you could add more.

Now we need to thread the bells on. In this picture I show a great way to make the thread go through the hole on the bell. Take tape and fold over end then cut into a point.

Thread the bells on. The first one put on and pull up to an inch below the bell and then tie on. The last bell put on the end. Secure it.

The finished project. (In my instructions, I left mine undecorated so you could see what I was doing.)

All that is left to do, is hang in an area where it can catch the wind to make it jingle, or put in a window. You could make them smaller and make them christmas ornaments.

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